Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
This is a preview of my new single poetics. It's basically calling all of the future hip hop artists back to lyricism. It's interesting that we have progressed sonically throughout the years but not to much lyrically. Apart from a few artists. Alright fam let's keep it positive. Hate is wack!
Please enjoy this brain boggling lyrically enhancive dopeness
peace and a half,
Friday, December 5, 2008

OH MY GOODNESS! Words cannot express how excited I am right now. I've been looking for art like this for like forever. Especially dwelling in the art starved Richmond, VA. Yo Cheryl Hahn in my opinion is the Van Gogh of our generation. She did the first heart picture in my last entry. Her blended color choice and texture (one of the best I've seen) make her paintings seem tangible. Even if it's not a tangible item. Like it's one thing to make an apple or painter's instrument look tangible. But to make youthfulness or curiosity confidence or depression look and feel tangible on a canvas. DOOOPE! If there were grammies for art I think she would be like Coldplay this year (who I personally hope beat lil wayne for album of the year). Man I wish she could do the cd cover for my cd any ways please please pleeeeeeease enjoy this sense-defying texturally tangible dopeness.
Check out all of her dope art at
peace and a half,
Thursday, December 4, 2008
State of My Heart

These are some dope pictures I found about the heart. Dope interpretations. The second picture looks almost tangible on screen. Man I love good art it has a way of connecting with people that is very similar to music. Welp they have the same creator so I guess it makes sense.
Please enjoy this analytical heartfelt dopeness
peace and a half,
Friday, November 28, 2008
Stuntin' on these Stormtroopers

I-robot's Audi meet Darth Vader's miracle whip. With these perks it's no wonder Anakin joined the darkside. If cars were basketball shots, this almost star wars themed car would be a three pointer from half court. It's like Obi Wan-Ginobli. Oh yeah did I mention it's a hybrid. This conceptual beauty is the Honda FC Sport Concept(which basically means it will never actually be sold). The FC Sport was unveiled at the 2008 L.A. Auto Show, which I always seem to miss the announcement for. Man, this car looks cool. I love the almost rounded square corners near the wheels. Dope. Please enjoy this intergalactic force enhancing dopeness.
p.s. I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving
peace and a half,
Saturday, November 22, 2008

I think this is a step up from those throwback cartoon shirts at hot topic. I loved the cartoons from this era because of the music that accompanied them. It was very jazzy and the music connected with what was happening visually. For example if jerry was running across a piano the music would sound like someone just ran their fingers across a piano. Little stuff like that anyways. These shirts are dope to say the least. If you had to choose one and only one which one would you choose? In the meantime please enjoy this nostalgic time and age defying dopeness.
peace and a half,
I think I love her.....

YOOO I lie to you not this girl is the fuuuuttttuuuuurrreee!! India Shawn's voice just touches your soul in a way I can't even explain. ...Plus she's not to hard on the eyes hahaha. She's out of the ATL and prob will put the focus back on ATL when she comes out officially. check out this video of her in practice called "rescue me." And Be sure to check out her myspace. Especially the song "The Cure" I've been blasting it. and this song called "In the Dark" I would blast like all day long when she had it up on her page.If I had my future record label up and running I would sign her before you finished reading this sentence.
Please enjoy this soul melting inspirational dopeness.
Don't you always wish your 80 year old Methodist choir would perform your favorite hip hop jams. Wish no more....It just happened. Please enjoy this generational unifying dopeness
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Custom-Made Dopeness

These are my custom made shoes I designed that came in yesterday. It is the template of sorts for a clothing line I'm workin on, so I can't give you the inspiration and insight on this shoe. Let me know what you guys think. I'll be back full swing Nov. 10th. and don't forget the dopest thing you can do today is vote!!! peace and a half
please enjoy this customized politically corrective dopeness
Been gone for a while..due to tech difficulties
Hey guys I haven't updated for a while I'm in the middle of changing internet providers well actually moving where I get service. So I miss you guys especially my ustreamers...ollie ollie oxen free, sarah, jason, belle, ralphie, cindy, duckspreferstarch, locker of hobolicousness, leo, brandon, etc. gaaaah. i can only access my blog and email on lunch breaks at my job =0( . Welp better than nothing. Hey watch I can give a smiley face a mole =0.) MOLEY MOLEY MOLEY hahahaha.
anyways enjoy this inconvenient patience building dopeness
u streamers email me ( for my number so we can at least text =0) I "cereally" miss you guys
anyways enjoy this inconvenient patience building dopeness
u streamers email me ( for my number so we can at least text =0) I "cereally" miss you guys
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hmm Hibernation never looked so tempting! If I had this room I would never leave and this blog would get updated more recently haha! Man there are so many cultures represented in this one room. How many can you count? hmm again I say this dopeness speaks for it self.
Please enjoy this Maroon wonderlandish dopeness
Let me be the first to say....

WELCOME BACK FILA!!! Man I just copped these the other day and let me tell you if they look awesome wait until you WEAR THESE!! It's like the swagger and feel of a fur coat on your feet. Welp I'm not the first because Nas and Lupe have already welcomed them back by wearing some Fila merchandise(or merchandise dedicated to it..hence lupe's flossing of a shirt with some fila insignia's. FNF UP by the way.) anyways back to the blog. I always wanted to have fila back in the day but was too broke. Yesterday that dream came true. Please enjoy this nostalgic dope-defying dopeness!
I think I'm crying!!

Man when it comes to shoes in general South Korea "kicks" butt (get it shoe kick haha) anyways. These HAND MADE shoes by black label are sheer perfection. From the almost square rounded tip to the casual/professional shape makes it look like chucks meets dior homme. And the color is an awesome soothing medley. Gaah I have nothing else to say. Bask in the beauty of this intricate swagger enhancing dopeness!
I hope they call this the "MACH FLY"

The glory of this gt concept car burns in your eyes like citrus maybe that's why it's made by "citroen" oh hahah. okay ahem ahem back to the blog. This would make speed racer look like david hasselhoff and his ride in the 80's. When I saw this at pharrell's blog i just stared for a long time. Well I think this car can pretty much explain itself. Please enjoy this mind-bending vroomtastic dopeness!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Gettin Jiggy Wit It

Hmm when I think of puzzles I always think of my dear friend Priscilla and all of her Winnie the pooh puzzles but I believe she has been trumped by 15,000 German puzzlers. Apparently they put together a jigsaw puzzle made of 1,141,800 pieces and spreading 6,500 square foot in 5 hours. Sorry Will Smith the german’s just got jiggier. Hmm I wonder if they can put together a good excuse for skipping work. Oooh I have one “Sorry boss I just was having trouble keeping it together that day” Welp at least they set a Guinness world record. Anyways, please enjoy this puzzling record breaking dopeness.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Whassup Fam! Today I'm going to let you download a song from my upcoming mixtape soul exhibitions. This has to be one of my favorite freestyles off of the mixtape because it's very personal and let you guys see my struggles but most of all my triumph through. I pray that you are inspired. Here's the link fam
(I apologize for the shady ads at the download site does anyone know a better place? =0(
Remember no need to wonder if you're going to make it with God's help you will.
Please enjoy this lyrically authentic dopeness!!
p.s. comment on this blog if you downloaded it so I have some idea about how many people downloaded it. Also for more music check out
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Plug it in, Plug it in

Might I say going green never looked so cooooooooool blue!! Ladies and gentleman the GM Chevy Volt electric plug in car!! The Volt is planning to send a "shockwave" of life to the gas price/economy mess in 2010. The Volt can do 40 miles per gallon or charge. Live more than 40 push just joking. After 40 miles the Volt can take gas and with the help of a lithium ion battery, gas, and ethanol in some models the battery charges while it's running on gas. And get this you can plug it up in your garage or in the outlet to your kitchen or room or bathroom, or awkward uncle's livng space! How DOPE IS THAT? Divinely so no ape can come up with that no matter how many years you give it. With no further adieu please enjoy this earth shattering eco-friendly dopeness.
p.s. for more info and pics visit for all your voltage needs. Be warned it's like a taser in the eyes but awesome!!
It’s Morphing Time……… KYOCERATOPS!!!

This phone is so hot it could turn alpha 6 heteromechanical (just joking I love alpha ….ahem no robohomo). Anyways I think this phone is utter perfection. The square shape is dope. And the dopest feature is the Blue light on the front of the phone. The bible says not to covet your neighbor’s stuff….but none of my neighbors have this phone so shooooooooot. So excuse me as I revel in the glory that is the Blue Streak Kyocera’s Neo E1 100. I sure do hope Virgin mobile brings it here. Forget trying to keep up with the Iphone, Kyocera should name this the Ipwn. Please enjoy this swagger enhancing communicative dopeness. And yes communicative is a word.
Papa’s got a brand new bag!!

Yeah I’m pretty sure the Voltaic Generator Laptop Bag is on the top of Al Gore’s Christmas list (or superman’s that along with a decent movie). So apparently this bag uses solar power to energize your laptop on the go. What’s not so dope is the whopping price of $599 I mean geeez at least throw a louis vuitton monogram on it first maaan. It can hold up to a 17 watt charge. Okay let’s all smile and nod and pretend we know how long that will take to charge your computer. 1….2… smile aaaand nod (rinse and repeat for hours of indifferent sarcastic fun). Please enjoy this Al gore friendly polar bear rescuing dopeness.
Now I can finally get that mermaid’s digits!!

Looks like Ariel didn’t need to give up her voice to get her mermack on. The Fujitsu F705i is the first waterproof phone that doesn’t look like a rock, or a brick, or the tip of a caveman’s spear or..okay you get the point. It also has an impressive 8x Zoom and adjusts incoming calls so your loud friend doesn’t leave you like Helen keller and your outgoing calls don’t make you sound like Darth Vader without his asthma medication. (sorry it can’t help your eyesight though). Hmm maybe I should get this so I can at least drown in style. I mean so if they find my body they can at least say oooh fujitsu. Quick question though, who can talk underwater? Apparently the Japanese because Japan is the only place you can get it. Anyways enjoy this mind boggling species endearing dopeness
It’s time for the Daily Dose of Divine Dopeness or the D4 haha

Psalm 42:3-5
My tears have been my food day and night,
While they continually say to me,
"Where is your God?"
4 When I remember these things,
I pour out my soul within me.
For I used to go with the multitude;
I went with them to the house of God,
With the voice of joy and praise,
With a multitude that kept a pilgrim feast.
5 Why are you cast down, O my soul?
And why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him
[fn3] For the help of His countenance.
Maybe you can relate to David in this text. Maybe you can’t relate to the church or God part and definitely not the pilgrims haha, but you can say that life’s been rough for you. You can remember the good ol days of happiness and they don’t match up with your today all because of one event. And whatever event that happened on that one day (or series of days and events) has in your mind forever shaped who you are, will, or CAN be. David was sad and injured deep in his soul by the words and deeds of others but also gives a really dope alternative. David says he pours out his soul or sheds his soul within himself. Sounds weird right like a snake? (Maybe even a little emo haha.) But to pour or shed means to leave, to never return or reminisce on the comforts of an old skin that no longer represents you.
Imagine a beautiful colored snake (might be hard if you don’t like snakes) basing its current state of beauty on an old dried up batch of skin that used to be its home. Instead of looking dwelling and reflecting on its new refreshed pattern it keeps defining itself by the old dusty skin. Perhaps that’s like us (I know it’s like me), many times we let what people have said or done to us in the past define who we are and all we can be today. Today’s dope thought is to let the dead skin die. You may be able to see the old skin but other people don’t unless you show them (especially true in dating). Today you are dope and a beautiful reflection of God’s handiwork. Go shine little homey (and homietta) as the beacons of God’s beauty. And if you make a mistake or someone else hurts you come to God to help you shed those negative thoughts and ask him to give you some new skin (or thoughts) and continue shining. Snakes NEVER run out of new skin and God NEVER runs out of grace so it’s up to you. Please adopt this life changing swagger enhancing dopeness
Your boy,
My tears have been my food day and night,
While they continually say to me,
"Where is your God?"
4 When I remember these things,
I pour out my soul within me.
For I used to go with the multitude;
I went with them to the house of God,
With the voice of joy and praise,
With a multitude that kept a pilgrim feast.
5 Why are you cast down, O my soul?
And why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him
[fn3] For the help of His countenance.
Maybe you can relate to David in this text. Maybe you can’t relate to the church or God part and definitely not the pilgrims haha, but you can say that life’s been rough for you. You can remember the good ol days of happiness and they don’t match up with your today all because of one event. And whatever event that happened on that one day (or series of days and events) has in your mind forever shaped who you are, will, or CAN be. David was sad and injured deep in his soul by the words and deeds of others but also gives a really dope alternative. David says he pours out his soul or sheds his soul within himself. Sounds weird right like a snake? (Maybe even a little emo haha.) But to pour or shed means to leave, to never return or reminisce on the comforts of an old skin that no longer represents you.
Imagine a beautiful colored snake (might be hard if you don’t like snakes) basing its current state of beauty on an old dried up batch of skin that used to be its home. Instead of looking dwelling and reflecting on its new refreshed pattern it keeps defining itself by the old dusty skin. Perhaps that’s like us (I know it’s like me), many times we let what people have said or done to us in the past define who we are and all we can be today. Today’s dope thought is to let the dead skin die. You may be able to see the old skin but other people don’t unless you show them (especially true in dating). Today you are dope and a beautiful reflection of God’s handiwork. Go shine little homey (and homietta) as the beacons of God’s beauty. And if you make a mistake or someone else hurts you come to God to help you shed those negative thoughts and ask him to give you some new skin (or thoughts) and continue shining. Snakes NEVER run out of new skin and God NEVER runs out of grace so it’s up to you. Please adopt this life changing swagger enhancing dopeness
Your boy,
I call this the "Blog-and-jog"

Hailing from SOOOUTH KOREA weighing in at a pound.with a width of 7 inches long, and packing a 4.8 touch screen with windows xp and full qwerty keyboard the Raon Everun UMPC is sure to give the blackberry a black eye. Believe it or not friends this is actually a portable computer. Macbook Air meet Macbook Where? (yes it’s so small you can lose your computer) I don’t know whether to rejoice or buy a magnifying glass. Oh what a privilege it is indeed to pay more for less. Please enjoy this state of the art berry bruising dopeness.
p.s. excuse me as I go copyright blog and jog
p.s. excuse me as I go copyright blog and jog
Rejoice O Ye Physically Ample!!

With the Panasonic Vera P905i (lovingly known as the screen gem) you can watch HDTV on the go. Can you imagine TV AND fresh oxygen all at the same time. Yes you 35 year old, when your mother says get out the house you no longer have to sacrifice your slavebox. TAKE IT WITH YOU. Once again this is only in Japan. Gosh forget the anime give me the gadgets. Anyways, enjoy this high definition obesity empowering dopeness
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Dope Song...Bad Emotion...GREAT Collaboration!!
This is the song I listen to when i'm sad and lonely (which has been happening more than I desire recently) Anyways it's by two of my favorite artists and top influences Epik High and drumroll........CLAZZIQUAI!! I love how the video matches the vibe of the song ESPECIALLY the slow motion. Dope video, dope song hmm maybe I'll take a walk like Mithra. For all of my lonely people hold on and keep your head up Jesus cares. Anyways enjoy this soothing anti-depressive dopeness.
This is why I do music!!
Epik High is one of my favorite music groups worldwide. They are one of the first groups to make Hip-Hop popular in Korea. And their lyrics are second to NONE if you don't believe me watch this
Man this is exactly why I do music to inspire and as tablo says I hope God invests in me to speak truth to the people because we have enough lies out here. One day I will collaborate with them..I just know it!! Ahem...please enjoy this inspirational collaborative dopeness.
(p.s. nell the group in the first video with epik high is dope as well but ahem to be continued on a later post)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Hmm what TIME is my MEETING?

Have you ever looked at your watch and thought to yourself man (or woman since this is an equal opportunity blog) I feel like I'm supposed to be somewhere? Well the cure for your ails is gone. However if you have ever looked at your PDA and thought man what time is it...welp there's no.cure for stupidity. The I mobile (no association with Apple) is a watch and PDA. I like to think of it as a wristberry (wrist watch and blackberry get it OH hahaha)..ahem anyways. So for forgetful people like myself this can be quite handy or "wristy." (Sorry I love puns.) Anyways there has not been a release date set for this item but when it comes out I will let you guys know...if I remember. Please enjoy this organizationally tech-savvy dopeness.
Think this little guy's cute? Well he turns your tv on......literally

This cute little guy is the Toshiba ApriPoko Robot, a voice activated remote control intelligence robot. Just pick up your remote and ApriPoko will ask you what you're doing and take the signal from your remote and memorize it (what a smart bald little penguin). Now instead of hitting a button on the remote control (such hard work I know) you can now just tell ApriPoko to change the channel for you. Holy convenience Batman!! Oh no robin Toshiba has yet to release it and hasn't released a launch date. Holy Disappointment Batman. Patience Robin Patience. Please enjoy this futuristic virtue building dopeness.
Younger Siblings STAND UP haha
As the youngest of three I feel empowered to see a fellow younger sibling like Solange doing well. Personal biases aside this is one CRRAAAAZZZY VIDEO! hmm I need to find out who directed this...ahem excuse me as I google. enjoy this nostalgic contemporary dopeness
Daily Dopeness
What's up fam I've decided to share with you guys dope (cool, mindblowing, awesome) things I find music, art, clothes, stages, gadgets, thoughts whatever you like keep it locked right here at divine dopeness for the dopest things above the earth!! So with the introduction out the way let's get into it. Ahem with no further adieu. I present to you Divine Dopeness
peace and a half,
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