Looks like Ariel didn’t need to give up her voice to get her mermack on. The Fujitsu F705i is the first waterproof phone that doesn’t look like a rock, or a brick, or the tip of a caveman’s spear or..okay you get the point. It also has an impressive 8x Zoom and adjusts incoming calls so your loud friend doesn’t leave you like Helen keller and your outgoing calls don’t make you sound like Darth Vader without his asthma medication. (sorry it can’t help your eyesight though). Hmm maybe I should get this so I can at least drown in style. I mean so if they find my body they can at least say oooh fujitsu. Quick question though, who can talk underwater? Apparently the Japanese because Japan is the only place you can get it. Anyways enjoy this mind boggling species endearing dopeness
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