This is a band I stumbled upon on yesasia.com named Tini. I am ordering their cd spaceboy tomorrow. I was originally attracted to them by their cover art and their space themed CD title (because I am working on one as well I'll post some sample cd covers at a later post). And they are actually dope. I love their atmospheric textures. The theme to their Cd and this song is that without Christ we are just like a boy wandering through space lost and disconnected. This video is craaazy. It just spans the whole world kind of wandering aimlessly from various successes and failures and in between. Sonically they remind me of a korean band named Nell but a little grungier. I've decided I want to make music that gives people a tangible feeling or texture or takes them to a specific place in every song. This is a good template of sorts. And oh yeah they're a christian band in Korea you dont' get more underground then that. If I had my record label going I would sign them. BELIEVE IT( as Naruto would say... I don't even watch that show consistently haha) Please enjoy this interplanetary contemplative dopeness.
p.s. I am seriously going to learn korean because in my opinion it is the best language to write music in.
peace and a half,
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